Client: Knack

Role: Content Strategy, Creation, and Marketing

Designs: Adrienne Ivers Johnson + Janet Tauszik

Knack is an online peer tutoring platform that partners with colleges and universities across the country to supplement existing academic support services and create a more personalized, equitable, and accessible support experience for every student.

In September 2019, I began working with Knack to create a new content strategy for social media that infused Knack’s playful personality with academia and the higher ed space. This has since extended into strategizing content for their blog, Knack Notes, as well as writing articles and leveraging their content arsenal as a lead generation machine.

From April 2021 to June 2022, I worked full-time at Knack as their Marketing Lead and one-woman marketing team.

You can find examples of both my social media work and content I’ve made for Knack below.

Social media

Blog articles

3 Reasons Why Demand-Driven Peer Tutoring Programs are the Key to Educational Equity

“Equity and equality are two words that are often used interchangeably, but when it comes to education, they can influence dramatically different outcomes for students. A focus on equality has prevailed in recent decades, with an emphasis on providing the same opportunities and resources to all students. While this may sound ideal, it neglects the reality that every student has a different starting point, and to achieve the same outcome, more resources and support may be needed for some students than others. 

Equity seeks to restore this balance – to level the playing field – and peer tutoring is one of the most effective ways to ensure it. Here are three reasons why.”

Read the full post here.


Meet the Knack Pack.

— “Over the coming weeks, we’ll be pulling back the curtain to let you get to know The Knack Pack a little better: who they are, where they come from, how they got to be here, what their lives look like beyond the four walls of our office, and how they’ve been spending their time in quarantine. In doing so, we hope to get to know you all a little better too.”

Read the full post here.

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Why We’ve Gone Remote & How We’re Doing It.

“Well, it finally happened. Knack has gone remote. 

You may be thinking to yourself, ‘Well, duh,’ — we don’t blame you. COVID-19 has made remote work a reality for many companies, but for us, it’s here to stay. 

Here’s how we came to the decision, and some insight into what work will look like for the Knack Pack moving forward.”

Read the full post here.


The Importance of Soft Skills in a COVID-19 World.

— “Soft skills, despite their misnomer, have always been crucial to academic and professional success. While we’ve written about the importance of measuring and nurturing them before, the ongoing repercussions of COVID-19 on an increasingly remote workforce have called for renewed emphasis on cultivating these skills.”

Read the full post here.

2021 Annual Report

Fall 2021 was the first in-person semester for many colleges and universities since the onset of COVID-19. As a result, demand for tutoring skyrocketed, and Knack experienced higher-than-ever usage across its suite of mobile and web applications. At the end of 2021, I collaborated with Knack’s COO, the formidable Will Kelly, to compile a report showcasing how students and tutors used Knack in the midst of a pandemic that turned the higher education industry on its head.

Here’s how it turned out.

“Since 2019, college enrollment rates have declined at historical levels, totaling a more than 6% drop and more than a million fewer students  – the largest decrease in fifty years. This downturn has exacerbated already existing disparities across the education system, highlighting the gender gap on college campuses as more and more American men drop out of college, as well as economic inequality amongst students of all ages as remote education continues to play a pivotal role. These shifts, in conjunction with widespread staffing shortages across industries that naturally affected campuses – from dining halls to tutoring centers – tested our small but mighty team in ways we never thought possible. Nevertheless, we charged on. 

Why? Because our mission to ensure every student has access to quality academic support has never been more important, and we’ve never been more committed to seeing it through.

Here’s what the past twelve months looked like at Knack, by the numbers.”

Gated content and landing pages



