My friends call me AH.

I’m a big believer in getting to know the people you work with.

So, here are 10 things you should know about me.


1. I was born and raised in South Florida, but my mother is from Korea and my father is from Germany.

2. I live in Gainesville, Florida. Go Gators!

3. Marketing was a pivot. In college, I was on a fast track to work at the UN and was accepted to Georgetown’s School of Foreign Service for grad school - but there was no way I could afford the six figure student loans. So, I entered the workforce. The rest, as they say, is history.

4. I’m passionate about food and supporting local farms and restaurants. If I ever do another career pivot, it’ll be in that direction.

5. My last name means “high mountain”. I spend every second I can outside.

6. There are 16,283 photos on my camera roll. That is not an exaggeration.

7. I average 12,000 steps a day, and yoga is my drug of choice.

8. My phone is never not under 30%…I’m working on that.

9. I’m an INFJ-T according to Myers-Briggs.

10. Puns always intended.